I dok smo modne blogere odavno pokopali I oplakali (osim Chiaru Ferragni dakako) jedna nova vrsta blogera zauzela je svoj tron na ljestvici “običnih ljudi” koji zauzimaju medijski prostor. To su food I travel blogeri. Stoga sam opet odlučila napraviti intervju s najpoznatijom Hrvaticom u travel bloggingzoni Pamelom Konjevod. I dok sam se prije tri godine fokusirala na zapravo sasvim površna pitanja poput: “Odakle strast prema putovanjima?”, ovaj sam put natjerala Pamelu da nam otkrije emotivni aspekt svojih putovanjima, a to je u konačnici zapravo jedino što je bitno kada se odlučimo otisnute izvan granica svog comfort zonea. Kako točno izgleda izlazak iz ustaljenih okvira razmišljanja, zašto su svi putnici sjebani na svoj način I zašto je ova mršavica s naglaskom koji osvaja I energijom za još pet ženaforever alone, saznajte u tekstu koji slijedi.

Bez koje tri stvari ne odlaziš na putovanja?
Valjanog dokumenta, zdravog razuma (iako neki misle da ga ni nemam) i japanki.

Tvoje sljedeće veliko putovanje je po Centralnoj Americi. Kako, zašto, koji je plan?
Plan još uvik raspravljam sama sa sobom :D Za početak se nadam imati dovoljno velika muda za stopiranje. Zašto – da istražim i pokažem kako Centralna Amerika nije tako strašna kako je možda mi zamišljamo – narkokarteli i ogromno siromaštvo. Pošto sam prošla kao volonter na ovogodišnjim Olimpijskim igrama u Brazilu, plan se lagano promijenio. Nadam se dočepati Gvatemale i “spustiti” se do Brazila. Vidit ćemo – sve je još u povojima.

Irak? Why?
Why the heck not? :D Radije bih još pet puta otišla za Irak ili dugo željeni Afganistan, nego da mi netko pokloni put za Tajland, iskreno. Bliskoistočna kultura mi je strahovito zanimljiva kao i mjesta koja nisu još uvijek uništena turizmom.

Rekla si da su svi putnici sjebani na neki način. Kako to misliš?

Koliko njih će me napasti nakon ovog :D Ukratko, nisam još upoznala nekoga tko putuje, a da nema emotivni bunar. Kod nekih prazan, kod nekih premračan da se usude u njega zaroniti– moja laička psiho procjena jelte :D Putovanja im služe za bijeg, potragu, izazov, bog će ti ga znat šta sve ne :D

Više pročitaj ovdje

Ako želite pomoći Pameli da i dalje vrluda svijetom, ali i nasmijava nas svojim intimnim zapisima dogodovština s puta, dovoljan je samo jedan klik na ovalink


Pamela Konjevod - "I'm not one of those who represent travelling as a paradise full of good wine"

And while we buried and mourned over fashion bloggers (except Chiara Ferragni of course) a long time ago, a new kind of bloggers took their throne on the scale of "ordinary people" who occupy media space. These are food and travel bloggers. Therefore, I again decided to do an interview with the most famous Croatian woman in the travel blogging zone - Pamela Konjevod. And while three years ago, I focused on actually quite superficial questions like: "Where your passion for travelling comes from", this time I made Pamela reveal the emotional aspect of her journeys, and that is ultimately the only thing that is really important when we decide to go beyond the boundaries of our comfort zone. How exactly does the exit from out thinking box look like, why are all the passengers screwed up in their own way and why is this skinny chick who wins over with her accent and energy forever alone, find out below.

Which three things you never travel without ?
Valid document, common sense (although some think I don't have it) and flip flops.

Your next big trip is to Central America. How, why, what's the plan?
I still argue abut the plan with myself: D For starters I hope to have enough balls to hitchhike. Why - to investigate and show that Central America is not as terrible as one might imagine - drug cartels and immense poverty. Since in the meantime I became a volunteer at this year's Olympic Games in Brazil, the plan is slightly changed. I hope to get hold of Guatemala and slowly get down to Brazil. We'll see - everything is still at the beginning.

Iraq? Why?
Why the heck not? : D I'd rather go to Iraq or long desired Afghanistan for five more times, than to Thailand even it somebody gave it to me as a present, honestly. Middle Eastern culture is tremendously interesting to me, like all the places that have not yet been destroyed by tourism.

You said that all passengers are screwed up in some way. What do you mean?

How many of them will attack me after this :D In short, I have never met anyone who travels and who has no emotional well. Some wells are empty, and some are too dark to dive in- my psyche evaluation at least: D Travelling serves them as an escape, a quest or a challenge, God will know what not: D

Read more here

If you want to help Pamela to continue to rule the world, but also make us laugh with her intimate writings on the adventures along the way, it only takes one click on this link