Izgleda da je Sara Renar zadnjih dana posvuda. Na kioscima nas gleda s naslovnice Storybooka, a njen je glas već standardna pojavama na radiju. Znala sam je susresti i na nekim od najvećih modnih evenata pa je po svemu sudeći Sara postala pravi celebrity od našeg zadnjeg intervjua. No, daleko je ova glazbenica od klasičnog hrvatskog celeba bez duše i kao takva uvijek savršena partnerica za razgovor.  

Tko je Sara Renar? 

Glazbenica, tekstopisac, skladateljica, pjevačica, poluinstrumentalist, poluaranžer; bivša arhitektica, bavila se i glumom; jedina kćer svoje majke, vlasnica psa; prilično dobra vozačica, solidna kuharica, kriminalna domaćica; neudana, formalno nezaposlena i kreditno nesposobna djevojka na pragu tridesetih, autor, skoro pa umjetnica opće prakse.

Što se promijenilo u tvom životu od našeg zadnjeg intervjua prije dvije godine?

Zapravo se strahovito puno toga izdogađalo, što predivnog, što manje lijepog. Izdala sam jedan album (“Jesen”) i sad sam u završnoj fazi s novim (“Tišina”). Bila sam nominirana za Porina u kategoriji debitanta (2014.) te za alternativni album godine i žensku vokalnu izvedbu (2015.) , u zadnje navedenoj kategoriji sam nagradu i osvojila. Prestala sam raditi u struci i potpuno se posvetila glazbi, ima tome već godinu dana. Vodila jedan semestar radionice “Tekst u glazbi”, sudjelovala na dva projekta teatar hr. - a i kolektiva SKROZ, ponovno naučila voziti i savladala bočno parkiranje. Počela više čitati. Udomila psa. Odsvirala kojih osamdeset koncerata, od manjih klubova do regionalnih festivala. Suočila sam se sa smrću u obitelji: otac mi je krajem prošle godine preminuo i ni jedna rečenica se ne čini dovoljno dostojanstvenom za opisati taj gubitak.

Osjećaš li se uspješnom? I koja je tvoja definicija uspjeha?

Meni je bitan proces. Konstantno tražiš, kopaš, možeš i moraš bolje. Osjećam se uspješnom jer mogu živjeti taj proces i biti mu posvećena. Možda je to najveća promjena od našeg zadnjeg intervjua, odabrala sam svoj put i više nema dileme (iako sumnja uvijek naravno postoji). Definirala sam čime se zaista želim baviti u životu i to i radim.

Više pročitaj ovdje

photo Božo Beti

        Who is Sara Renar and what does it mean to be a woman?

It seems that Sara Renar is everywhere for the past few days. At the kiosks she is watching us from the cover of Storybook Magazine, and her voice is already a standard phenomena on the radio. I even used to ran into her at some of the biggest fashion events, so it seems Sara became a real celebrity since our last interview. But this musician is far from the classical Croatian celeb without a soul and as such is always the perfect partner for a talk.

Who is Sara Renar?

A musician, a songwriter, a composer, a singer, an semi-instrumentalist, a semi - arranger; a former architect, was involved in acting too; the only daughter of her mother, an owner of a dog; a pretty good driver, a solid cook, a criminal housekeeper; unmarried, formally unemployed and uncreditworthy girl on the threshold of thirties, an author, almost a common practice artist.

What has changed in your life since our last interview two years ago?

Actually, an awful lot happened, some of it beautiful, some less beautiful. I released one album ("Autumn") and now I'm in the final stages with the new one ("Silence"). I was nominated for Porin in the newcomer category (2014.) and for alternative album of the year and female vocal performance (2015.), in the last mentioned category I won the prize. I stopped working in my profession and fully devoted myself to music, it has already been a year I decided to do so. I led one semstar of workshop called "Text in music", participated in two teatar.hr and collective SKROZ projects , learned how to drive again and mastered parallel parking. I started to read more. Adopted a dog. Played around eighty concerts, from small clubs to regional festivals. I faced death in the family: my father passed away late last year and no sentence seems dignified enough to describe this loss.

Do you feel successful? And what is your definition of success?
For me essential is the process. You are constantly looking for something ,digging, you can and you must be better. I feel successful because I can live this process and be dedicated to it. Perhaps this is the biggest change since our last interview, I chose my way, and there is no dilemma about it (though of course there is always a bit of doubt). I defined what I really want to do in life and that's what I am doing.

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photo Božo Beti

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