Keksiće s kikirikijem radite prema receptu za chocolate chip cookies, samo ubacite kikiriki.


1 jaje
½ male žličice sode bikarbone
12 dkg margarina
22 dkg brašna
20 dkg smeđeg šećera
3 velike žlice kristal šećera
½ male žličice praška za pecivo
½ mala žličice soli
2 velike žličice ekstrakta vanilije
15 dkg komadića čokolade

Zagrijte pećnicu na 140-150 stupnjeva i obložite dva lima papirom za pečenje. Mikserom pomiješajte obje vrste šećera, ekstrakt vanilije i maslac. Nakon cca 1 minute, dodajte jaje i miksajte još jedno pola minute. Lagano miješajući mikserom, dodajte i brašno, sol, sodu bikarbonu, prašak za pecivo. Na kraju rukom umiješajte komadiće čokolade. Žličicom vadite hrpice smjese na papir za pečenje i ostavite između po 3-4 cm razmaka jer će se smjesa spljoštiti u pečenju. Pecite 20-25min dok rubovi ne počnu hvatati boju.
Biscuits with peanuts 

Biscuits with peanuts are made the same as chocolate chip cookies, just insert peanuts.

1 egg
½ teaspoon baking soda
12 grams margarine
22 grams flour
20 grams brown sugar
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
2 large teaspoons vanilla extract

15 grams chocolate chunks

Preheat the oven to 140-150 degrees and overlay two baking pans with parchment paper. Using a mixer, mix both sugars, vanilla extract and butter. After about 1 minute, add the egg and mix for another half minute. Gently stirring with a mixer, add flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Finally stir in chocolate chunks with your hands. Using a spoon put piles of the mixture on baking paper and leave 3-4 cm between, because mixture will flatten in baking. Bake for 20-25minutes until the edges start to capture color.
