Povodom njihovog tek izbačenog zajedničkog singla "Ljubav", donosim vam intervju s dvije predivne žene. O jednoj se nakon njenog debi albuma "Djeca" pisalo na veliko od glazbenih portala pa do Glorije, a o drugoj su hrvatski mediji pjevali hvalospjeve još dok je bila u Gustafima, a prije njenog solo projekta Barbari. Dok smišljam načine kako da nahvalim Saru Renar i Barbaru Munjas, zaključujem kako ove dame zapravo nije potrebno posebno predstavljati. Samo ću reći kako je predivno gledati njihov razvoj u glazbenom i osobnom smislu, a što na tu temu te još pokoju imaju za reći, pročitajte u recima koji slijede!

Fashionbabica: Što rade najljepše žene hrvatske kantautorske scene ovih dana?
Sara: Ah, kakvi komplimenti! Da me vidiš sad dok uz kavu ujutro odgovaram, mislim da bi preformulirala pitanje... Pa evo u studiju gdje miksamo novi EP, ostatak vremena doma intenzivno vježbam za solo nastup na Medvedgradu 19.7.
Barbara:   Hvala na komplimentima! Ovih dana se radi! Osim što se spremamo za nadolazeće svirke odrađujući probe, spremamo se i za snimanje novog albuma koje je zakazano za kolovoz! A u međuvremenu vrućinu ubijam skačući u more svakog slobodnog trenutka!
Fashionbabica: Kako je došlo do vaše suradnje?
Sara:Prošlo ljeto sam na tulumu nakon jedne akustične svirke u Opatiji rekla Barbari – e slušaj imam jednu novu stvar – Barbara je fenomenalno uletjela na refrenima i tako smo počele skupa pjevati... Kasnije se tukle po glavi što nitko nije mobitelom snimio, ali smo uspješno ponovile izvedbu negdje pred jutro na proslavi Nove Godine... I tako je nastala ideja o suradnji. Ja bar mislim da tako nekako ide priča... Barbara?
Barbara:  Pa mislim da je Sara u principu ispričala sve! Priča o suradnji se rodila na tulumu, usred noći, početkom jutra, uz okruženje zvukova gitare, društva, vina i srdelica u mom stanu u Opatiji. Čim sam toga jutra čula Saru kako svira i pjeva spontano mi je došlo da joj se pridružim u vidu supporta sa pratećim vokalima... to je bilo to, a ostalo će se već čuti! :)

Fashionbabica:Sara nedavno si izbacila stvar Altruizam u L Free remixu!
a) Kako je  došlo do te suradnje budući da je ovaj remix daleko od tvog uobičajenog zvuka?
Sara: U stvari, taj remix i nije tako daleko od mog glazbenog izričaja, iznenadit ćeš se kad EP izađe :) A ovako ide priča. Znaš da sam na proljeće glumila i pjevala u Montažstrojevoj predstavi „Mali Čovjek“...  E sad u to vrijeme je ekipa iz predstave stupila u kontakt sa srpskim producentom i DJ-om Slobodanom Stojičićem (aka L-FREE) koji je svojedobno napravio jednu pjesmu istog naziva i slične tematike koja se u predstavi obrađuje. I tako me Slobodan pitao da li bi ja imala što protiv da „Altruziam“ remiksira pošto mu se „mnogo sviđa pesma.“ Bila sam počašćena!
b)Planiraš li ubuduće skakati u elektro vode? 

Sara:Pa da, proširili su mi se horizonti otkad sam krenula raditi s loop-om i ušla sam malo u sampliranje na kompu još od predstave. Bend je još tu naravno, ali instrumentarij se širi na razne zanimljive spravice. Sve je više žica na stageu!

Fashionbabica: Sara reci nam još malo o Montažstrojevom »Malom čovjeku«.
Sara: Zbilja mi je drago što sam imala priliku sudjelovati u tom projektu. Prvo zato jer jako cijenim rad Montažstroja. Sudjelujući na tri Montažstrojeva projekta (55+, Budućnost je sada, Mali Čovjek) stekla sam dosta iskustva o tome kako kazalište funkcionira, kako se nešto čita na sceni, koja je uloga medija, kako doskočiti neplaniranim obratima za vrijeme rada na projektu, itd.. Što se Malog Čovjeka tiče, možda najljepše iskustvo bilo je sudjelovati u radu zbora Malih ljudi, njihov rad je dokaz da ljudi najrazličitijih socijalnih statusa mogu naći zajednički jezik, odnosno pjesmu. I naravno meni osobno je bilo veliko scensko iskustvo. Sat vremena potpune koncentracije, skači –pjevaj- pleši - sviraj. Moram priznati da sam se naradila!

Fashionbabica:Barbara koji događaj/moment je bio presudan u tvojoj odluci da napustiš Gustafe?
Barbara: Moram reći da tu nije bilo nekog presudnog trenutka. Mislim da sam jednostavno kroz godine uznapredovala što se tiče samog stvaralaštva. U tom sam bendu učila konstantno, stapala se sa glazbom i muzičkim načinom života, no nisam imala prostora koliko sam htjela i koliko mi je pred sam kraj počelo biti potrebno, a i da budem iskrena, nisam htjela svoje ideje miješati u njihovu glazbu, a morala sam ih iznijeti tako da... jednostavno sam se morala udaljiti i napraviti nešto svoje, nešto sirovije od onog zvuka kojem su oni posljednjih godina težili. Nedostajalo mi je rada isključivo sa instrumentima i ljudima, bez ikakvih mašina i naravno ono što je najvažnije iznošenje vlastitih ideja i pretvaranje ideja u glazbenu stvarnost.
Fashionbabica: Barbara kako je plivati u solo vodama?
Barbara:Hm, nisu to solo vode, nisam sama, imam svoje suradnike i ljude od povjerenja i zajednički radimo na sada već našim pjesmama! Na prvom su albumu većinom sve pjesme bile moje. Što se tekstova tiče, za sada sam jedini tekstopisac u bendu, no nikad ne znaš što će ti razvoj situacije i vrijeme donijeti...a što se glazbe tiče, na prvom albumu je uz mene kao autor glazbe stao Alen Bernobić potpisujući glazbu za tri pjesme, te četvrtu za koju glazbu potpisujemo zajedno. Na sljedećem će se albumu također naći pjesama za čiju glazbu neću ja biti autor, svi smo pomalo uključeni u stvaranje glazbe! Ali mislim da znam što si htjela pitati pod tim pitanjem, kako mi je sada u odnosu na prijašnji bend – e pa napokon sam prodisala u umjetničkom smislu i napokon sam došla do stadija gdje mogu realizirati svaku svoju ideju, a to mi predstavlja jedno čitavo bogatstvo osjećaja i zadovoljstva. Konstantno si pomičem granice, učim i idem prema naprijed bez puno osvrtanja! Upoznala sam sebe u nekom novom svjetlu.

Fashionbabica: Težite li više radio friendly zvuku ili alternativi?
Sara: Ma ja ne znam što je uopće u hrvatskoj radio friendly zvuk. Bojim se da je svaka naša najviše pop stvar teška alternativa ovdje.
Barbara: Mi nemamo neku formulu. Stvorili smo svoj zvuk koji predstavlja naše osjećaje prema glazbi i životu i držimo se toga. Ne želimo biti robovi nekih nametnutih pravila, glazbu stvaramo onako kako je osjećamo i kako je čujemo u našim glavama, a što na kraju izađe iz toga može se čuti na našem prvom albumu, no to je bio naš prvi stupanj, samo rađanje i kretanje benda, a još materijala za upoznavanje naših razmišljanja će se naći na jesen na našem drugom albumu. Mislim da će sljedeći album imati više čvrstine i kompaktnosti iz tog razloga što smo se u glazbenom smislu međusobno upoznali još bolje, a i ugrabili više vremena za rad na samim pjesmama. „Monfiorenzo underground“ je nastao vrlo brzo i kako smo bili tek na samom početku, pjesme nismo stigli puno svirati uživo prije studija, a mislim da je za kvalitetniji život pjesme jako važno da bude puno puta odsvirana uživo prije snimanja da bi na studijskom snimku uspjela prodisati punim plućima i dobiti sigurnost u izvedbi. S obzirom da su naše pjesme relativno dosta vrtile po radio postajama, rekla bih da smo uspjeli stvoriti radio friendly zvuk u nekom alternativnom krugu.
Fashionbabica: Što bi po vama bio komercijalan, a što underground zvuk? I ima li smisla danas kada su žanrovi i zvukovi toliko isprepleteni uopće govoriti o takvim pojmovima?
Sara: Mislim da se može govoriti o trendovima u suvremenoj produkciji. Usporedimo recimo Lorde i Lanu del Ray. Iako različita „spika“, tu se definitivno može staviti zajednički produkcijski nazivnik. Ali što je komercijalno, što je underground u svjetskim razmjerima stvarno više ne znam. U Hrvatskoj je lakše – vidi nominacije za Porin i odmah ti je jasno što je ovdje komercijalno.
Barbara: Mislim da je to sve više nalik na jednu mješavinu svega. Oni što stvaraju glazbu koja odiše komercijalnim notama pokušavaju u nju utopiti undergrounda kako bi zaokružili još veći opus slušateljstva, tj kako bi pridobili pažnju ljudi koji svojim glazbenim guštima ne naginju komercijalnom zvuku, ali bi se zbog eventualnog koketiranja komercijalnog autora s alternativnim prizvukom mogli djelomično prikloniti tim pjesmama, a oni što plivaju u onim donjim vodama pokušavaju sirovost približiti široj masi unoseći neke elemente komercijalnog zvuka u svoje stvaralaštvo jer nekima je ipak za preživljavanje od glazbe potrebno izroniti iz undergrounda. Skidam kapu onima kojima to nije potrebno, to su veliki umjetnici!
Fashionbabica: Kako naći pravu sredinu između radio friendly zvuka i alternative?
Sara:Nema sredine. Ili radiš stvari radi love pa je odgovor jasan ili se baviš samom muzikom i boli te dupe za radio friendly sound.
Barbara: Glazba mora biti iskrena, to je jedini pravi put i jedini koji se prepoznaje i odobrava sa raznih strana. Proračunati rad u zadovoljstvo vodi samo one koji se bave glazbom zbog novaca.

Fashionbabica: Kada bi proces nastanka pjesme, od pisanja teksta do uglazbljivanja iste morale opisati jednom riječju, koja bi to bila?
Barbara: Rođenje

Fashionbabica:Osjećate li se kao umjetnice ili jednostavno žene koje ne mogu živjeti bez da stvaraju glazbu, ili je to zapravo isto?
Sara: Pa definitivno sam sretnija ako se cijeli dan bavim muzikom - koliko god nekad tukla glavom u zid -  nego na uredskom poslu.
Barbara: Oboje.
Fashionbabica: Što umjetnika čini umjetnikom?
Sara: Ma kad ja ne znam što je umjetnost zapravo. I gdje je razlika između dobrog zanatlije i umjetnika. U svakom slučaju mislim da ja još savladavam zanat.
Barbara: Prikazati već poznatu sliku/scenarij na sasvim drukčiji i svoj način kojim pri tome izgrađuje svoju prepoznatljivost.
Fashionbabica: Najljepši dio kantautorstva?
Sara: Što god ti se loše dogodi uvijek može nastati dobra pjesma. To je dosta utješno.
Barbara: Definitivno to da one najgore trenutke svoga života i boli okreneš u svoju korist pišući pjesme, no ipak, još ljepše od dijeljenja svoje boli i unutarnjeg raspadanja je kada možeš dijeliti sreću i pisati o ljepotama svojih iskustava i života.
Fashionbabica: Biti kantautor/ica u Hrvata težak je kruh!

a) Što vas vodi dalje?
Sara: Ljubav prema tome što radiš. I zaista divan krug suradnika koji se okupio. Bendu pjevam hvalospjeve u svakom intervjuu s razlogom. Inače čine ga Luka Geček, Zdeslav Klarić i Anže Kristan –sound je sazreo s ovim sastavom. Tu su i producenti s kojima sad surađujem – Konrad Mulvaj i Edi Cukerić - izbrijali smo dosta sulude stvari na snimanju. I naravno Barbarino gostovanje. Vjerojatno to ipak znači da ako se trudiš i kontinuirano radiš da ti se mora jednom s dobrim vratiti. To mi je najveća motivacija.
Barbara: Sara, jako je lijepo čuti da sam među onim ljudima koji te tjeraju dalje na putu do kruha sa sedam kora! Vodi me ljubav prema glazbi i ta ista ljubav koju sa mnom dijeli ostatak benda, a to su Alen Bernobić, Dino Kalčić, Ivan Benažić Benza te Luka Berić. Isto tako dalje me vodi entuzijazam drugih umjetnika poput Sare za koju mislim da je učinjenim iskorakom pri snimanju novih stvari učinila veliki pomak na kantautorskoj sceni i moram priznati da me takvi poduhvati motiviraju u daljnjem radu! Volim kada ljudi teže novim zvukovima i eksperimentiranju, kad se ne ustručavaju napraviti neke promjene u svojim životima i glazbi! To je ono što me i u našem pristupu glazbi konstantno tjera naprijed!

b) Osjećate li se kao, glupo je možda reći zvijezde (taj izraz me odmah podsjeća na površne celebrity spike), ali javne osobe, netko za koga ljudi znaju?
Sara:Hehe živimo u dovoljno maloj zemlji pa nema straha da će nam „slava“ udariti u glavu. Ja tu i tamo doživim neko prepoznavanje, obično kad sam među publikom na koncertima što je valjda i logično.
Barbara:Dogodi se da te ljudi prepoznaju, a najljepše je kada te pri prepoznavanju odmah povežu sa glazbom koju radiš. U svakom slučaju to je osjećaj koji ti daje palac gore na sav rad i trud koji je iza tebe i pred tobom. Motivirajuće možda i više no što smo svjesni!

Fashionbabica: Možemo li reći  da u Hrvatskoj postoji ženska kantautorska scena?
Sara:Je li itko ikad pitao nekog muškog kantautora da prokomentira mušku kantautorsku scenu?
Barbara:  Mislim da je ženska kantautorska scena u Hrvatskoj jača od muške kantautorske scene iz tog razloga što su žene ipak možda  malo hrabrije od muškaraca kada treba stati iza svojih osjećaja i podijeliti ih sa ljudima... to se može vidjeti u brojčanoj razlici žena s gitarama naspram muškaraca s gitarama tako da, da – može se reći da postoji ženska kantautorska scena!
Fashionbabica: Možemo li govoriti o razlikama u "ženskom" i "muškom" kantautorstvu?
Sara:Isto kao o „ženskoj“ i „muškoj“ književnosti i „ženskim“ i „muškim“ filmovima. Nerviraju me te podjele. Valjda se nećemo u 2014. više iščuđavati tome da žena svira gitaru i  dobro zvuči.
Barbara:Svatko ima svoje osjećaje i stavove iza kojih stoji ili bi trebao stajati, a često su muškarci i žene dosta različiti po tom pitanju, najviše zbog same razlike u spolovima, tako da to može rezultirati drukčijim pjesmama i atmosferom i naravno da ima razlika o kojima bi se dalo pričati ali to je više tema za neke druge prilike uz duge kave ili neka žešća pića.

Fashionbabica: Mediji su često skloni ubaciti koju pohvalu na račun vašeg izgleda te im nikako ne promakne spomenuti kako ste se obje bavile manekenstvom prije glazbene karijere. Godi li vam to, smeta ili pak uopće ne doživljavate takve komentare?
Sara: Ja sam se nadala da će mi možda koji angažman modni donijeti, ali ništa od toga hehe. Ma to sve nije bitno. Muzika je bitna i ono što imaš za reći.
Barbara: Odavno sam postala imuna na spomen bavljenja manekenstvom jer to nije bilo ništa ozbiljno, jedino ozbiljno u mome životu je glazba, u biti moj život je glazba! Ti komentari o modnim angažmanima su bitni ljudima koji ne shvaćaju glazbu u potpunosti pa im je potreban dodatni sadržaj.
Fashionbabica: Koliko je vama bitan vanjski izgled, u smislu odijevanja, modnog stila, zadovoljstva sobom? ...Jeste li svjesne uopće svog izgleda?
Sara: Pa ja se volim jako srediti kad mogu. Iako, kako sam non stop na biciklu onda to sužava izbor odjeće. A i na koncertima petljam s loopom i gitarom pa se nastojim obući što udobnije. Nekako mislim da se intuitivno dosta dobro pogodimo bend i ja. Kao nismo presređeni, ali ipak mislim da svatko pazi koju će majicu kratkih rukava na gig obući. Za nešto ekstravagantnije i tako nemamo para hehe. Barabri su tu puno vizualno kompletniji sastav :)
Barbara: Meni osobno je važno da se predstavim u onom svjetlu u kojem se osjećam najudobnije, najugodnije i najviše svoje! Ne volim na sebe stavljati nešto što ne osjećam da nosim sa potpunim odobravanjem svoje svijesti. Pozornica nam je uz glazbu kao bendu vrlo bitan faktor i smatramo da je vrlo važno ukomponirati glazbu i pojavu u jednu smislenu cjelinu. Ne bih rekla da to radimo skroz ciljano i svijesno, no isto ne bih rekla da je totalno spontano. Mislim da nas u bendu ima veći broj koji kad dođu u dućan s odjećom vide neki odjevni predmet kažu: „Uuuu, ovo bi mi bilo super za stage!“ A izgled kao izgled je ionako prolazna stvar koja se s godinama mijenja!
Fashionbabica: Budući planovi?
Sara:Odsvirati taj Porin, odsvirati koncerte po ljeti, izdati EP najesen. Smisliti neku životnu financijsku konstrukciju, a da i dalje imam vremena baviti se muzikom.
Barbara: Odsvirati što se za sada odsvirati mora, snimiti album, izdati album, svirati, snimati, izdati, svirati, snimati, izdati... itd u krug. I da, neka financijska konstrukcija bi fino sjela kad bi sjela. Neke stvari treba jako željeti za moći ih imati!
Fashionbabica: Neka ugodna misao za kraj?
Sara: Družite se i volite!
Barbara: Smijte se i dijelite svoj osmjeh sa drugim ljudima! Iskren osmjeh uvijek izmami osmjeh na druga lica!


Comfortable talks with Sara Renar and Barbara Munjas, two creatures cute like an apple!

On the occasion of their just released single "Ljubav" I bring you an interview with two beautiful women. About one, after her debut album Djeca, a lot has been written from musical portals to the magazine Gloria, and about the other, Croatian media sang hymns while she was still in Gustafi and before her solo project Barbari. While I devise ways to speak highly about Sara Renar and Barbara Munjas I conclude that these ladies really don't need any introduction. I'll just tell you how wonderful it is to watch their development in musical and personal terms, and what these girls have to say on these and other topics  read in the verses that follow!

Fashionbabica: What are the most beautiful women of the Croatian songwriting scene doing these days?
Sara:Ah, what a compliment! If you saw me now,  answering these questions with my morning coffee, I think you would reformulate the question ... Well here in the studio where we are mixing our new EP, the rest of the time I am at home practicing intensely for a solo performance at Medvedgrad at 19th of July.
Barbara:  Thanks for the compliments! These days we are working! In addition to preparing for the upcoming gigs doing rehearsal, we are getting ready to record a new album, which is scheduled for August! And in the meantime, I kill the heat by jumping into the sea every free moment!
Fashionbabica:How did your collaboration happen?
Sara: Last summer at a party after one acoustic gig in Opatija I said to Barbara – hey listen I have this new song - Barbara phenomenally jumped in on the choruses, and so we started to sing together ... Later we beat our heads over not recording it with a cell phone, but we successfully repeated the performance sometime before dawn on New Year's Eve celebration party... And so the idea for cooperation was born :) at least I think the story goes something like that ... Barbara?
Barbara: I think Sara basically told everything! The story about our collaboration was born at a party, in the middle of the night, in the early morning, with sounds of guitars and people, with wine and sprats in my apartment in Opatija. As soon as I heard Sara playing and singing that morning it spontaneously came to me to join her as support with backing vocals ... that was it, the rest you will hear.

Fashionbabica: Sara you recently released the song Altruism in L Free remix!
a) How did this collaboration happen since this remix is a bit far from your usual sound?
Sara: In fact, this remix is not so far from my musical expression, you'll be surprised when the EP comes out :) And the story goes like this. You know in spring I starred and sang in Montažstroj play "Little Man" ... Now, at that time the crew of the show came in contact with Serbian producer and DJ Slobodan Stojicic (aka L-FREE) who once made a song of the same name and similar theme that is being processed in the show. And so Slobodan asked whether I had anything against that he remixes "Altruziam" since he liked the song so much. I was honored!
b)Do you plan to do more electronic music in the future?
Sara: Well, yes, my horizons have expanded since I started working with loops and got a little bit into sampling of the computer, since the show. The band is still there of course, but the instrumentation is expanding to a variety of interesting gadgets. More and more wires are on stage!!

Fashionbabica:Sara tell us a little bit more about Montažstroj's play "Mali Čovjek"!

Sara:I'm really glad I had the opportunity to participate in this project. First, because I truly appreciate the work of Montažstroj. Participating in three Montažstroj projects (55 +, Budućnost je sada, Mali Čovjek) I gained a lot of experience about how theater works, how to read something on stage, what the role of  the media is, how to deal with unplanned twists while working on a project, etc. As far as “Mali Čovjek” (“The Little Man”), perhaps the most beautiful experience was to participate in the Mali ljudi choir, their work is proof that people of different social status can find a common language, song, that is. And of course, to me personally it was a great theatrical experience. An hour of full concentration, jump -sing-dance– play. I have to admit that I worked hard!

Fashionbabica:  Barbara which event / moment was critical to your decision to leave Gustafi?
Barbara: I have to say that there wasn't a crucial moment. I think I've just progressed through the years as far as creativity goes. In this band I was constantly learning, blending with music and musical way of life, but I didn't have as much space as I wanted and needed at the end,  to be honest, I didn't want to mix my ideas in their music, and I had to present them so ... I just had to get away and make something of my own, something more raw than the sound which they have striven to in recent years. I missed work exclusively with instruments and people, no machines, and of course most importantly I missed expressing my own ideas and transforming musical ideas into reality.
Fashionbabica:Barbara how does it feel to swim in solo waters?
Barbara:Um, it's not solo waters, I'm not alone, I have my co-workers and people I trust and work with on now our songs! On the first album, all the songs were mostly mine. As for the lyrics, for now I am the only songwriter in the band, but you never know how the situation will develop and what time will bring ... and as far as the music, on the first album next to me the author of the music was Alen Bernobic who wrote music for three songs, and the fourth for which we both wrote the music. On the next album there will  also be songs whose music I will not be the author of, we are all involved in making music! But I think I know what you mean by asking this question- how do I feel now in relation to my previous band - well, I finally started performing in the artistic sense, and I finally reached the stage where I can realize all my ideas, and that represents an entire fortune of feelings and satisfaction. I constantly push my boundaries, learn and go forward without looking back a lot! I met myself in a new light.

Fashionbabica: Do you strive more to radio friendly sound, or to alternative?
Sara: Oh, I don't even know what radio friendly sound in Croatia means. I'm afraid that our most pop song would be considered hard core alternative here.
Barbara:We don't have a formula. We've created our own sound that represents our feelings towards music and life and we stick to it. We don't want to be slaves of some imposed rules, we create music the way we feel it and how we hear it in our heads, and what eventually comes out of this can be heard on our first album, but this was our first stage, the birth and the movement of the band and more material for getting to know our thoughts will be found in the fall on our second album. I think the next album will have more solidity and compactness because in musical terms we got to know each other better, and seized more time to work on the songs. "Monfiorenzo underground" has emerged very quickly and since we were just at the beginning, we didn't get to play the songs live much before the studio, and I think that for the quality of life of the song it is very important to be played a lot before recording, so it could manage to "breathe" to the fullest and get safety in performance. Given that our songs were played relatively much on the radio, I would say that we have managed to create a radio friendly sound in an alternative circle.
Fashionbabica: What is according to you, commercial and what underground sound? And is there any point in talking about such concepts today when genres and sounds are so intertwined?
Sara: I think we can talk about trends in contemporary production. Comparing say Lorde and Lana Del Ray, although it's a different  thing, we can definitely put a common production denominator here. But what is commercial, what is underground on a global scale, I really don't know. In Croatia, it is easier to say- see nominations for Porin and immediately you will realize what is commercial here.
Barbara: I think it's more like a mix of everything. Those who create music that exudes commercial notes are trying to drown a bit of underground in it in order to round off an even bigger audience opus, that is to catch the attention of people who don't tend to commercial sound, but due to the flirting of commercial artist with alternative overtones they could partially defer to these songs, and those who swim in underground waters are trying to lower the rawness to get closer to the general mass by bringing some elements of commercial sound in their creativity because for some to survive from music it takes to emerge from the underground. Hats off to those who don't need to do that, these are great artists!
Fashionbabica: How to find the right middle ground between radio friendly sound and the alternative one?
Sara:There is no middle. You are either doing things for money so the answer is clear, or you make music and don't give a damn for radio friendly sound.
Barbara: Music must be honest, this is the only way and the only one that is recognized and approved by the various parties. The calculated work leads to satisfaction only those who are involved in music for the money.

Fashionbabica: If you had to describe the process of making a song, from writing lyrics to making music in one word, what would it be?
Sara: Game
Barbara: Birth
Fashionbabica: Do you feel like artists or simply like women who can not live without creating music, or is it really all the same?
Sara: Well, I'm definitely happier when I make music all day - as much as I beat my head against the wall sometimes - than the office work.
Barbara: Both.
Fashionbabica: What makes an artist an artist?
Sara: Well, when I don't know what art actually is. And where is the difference between a good craftsmen and an artists. In any case, I think I am still mastering the craft.
Barbara: To show the familiar image / scenario in a completely different manner and thereby the artist builds his/her identity.
Fashionbabica:The most beautiful part of songwriting?
Sara: Whatever bad happens to you, a good song can always arise. It is quite comforting.
Barbara: Definitely that worst moments of your life and pain you can turn to your advantage by writing songs, however, even more beautiful than sharing your pain and inner decay is when you can share happiness and write about beauty of experiences and life.
Fashionbabica: Being a songwriter in Croatia is heavy!
a)What makes you go on?
Sara: Love for what you do. And a really delightful circle of associates that has gathered. I praise the band in every interview for a reason. By the way the band consist of Luka Geček, Zdeslav Klarić and Anže Kristan-sound has matured with this composition. There are also producers with whom I cooperate now - Konrad Mulvaj and Edi Cukerić – we made some crazy stuff on set. And of course collaboration wiht Barbara. Probably it does mean that if you try and continually do something it  must return with good. That's my biggest motivation.
Barbara: Sara, it's very nice to hear that I am among those people who make you go further on the way to success! For me love for music makes me go on and that same love the rest of the band shares with me, and those are Alen Bernobić, Dino Kalčić, Ivan Benažić Benza and Luka Berić. Whar also leads me on is the enthusiasm of other artists like Sara and I think her breakthrough in recording new stuff made great progress on the singer-songwriting scene and I have to admit, that such pursuits motivate me in further work! I love when people tend to experiment with new sounds and, when they do, not hesitate to make some changes in their lives and music! That's what constantly pushes me forward in our approach to music !
b)Do you feel like, it's maybe ridiculous to say stars (the term immediately reminds me of superficial celebrity stuff), but a public figure, someone whom people know?
Sara:Hehe we live in a small country so there is no fear of  "fame" getting to our head. People  recognize me sometimes, usually when I'm in the audience at a concert which is I suppose is logical.
Barbara: It happens that people recognize you, and the most beautiful thing is when you are immediately connected with the music you make. In any case, it's a feeling that gives you the thumbs up on all the work and effort that is behind you and in front of you. It is perhaps more motivating than we realize!

Fashionbabica: Can we say that there is female singer-songwriting scene in Croatia?
Sara: Has anyone ever asked a man to comment on the men's songwriting scene?
Barbara: I think the female singer-songwriting scene in Croatia is stronger than the men's singer-songwriting scene because women are still maybe a little braver than men when it comes to standing behind their feelings and sharing them with people ... it can be seen in the numerical difference of women with guitars compared to men with guitars so yes - it can be said that there is a female singer- songwriting scene!
Fashionbabica: Can we talk about differences in "female" and "male" songwriting?
Sara: Same a we can talk about "female" and "male" literature and "female" and "male" films. These divisions annoy me. I guess in 2014 we won't be surprised anymore because of the fact that a woman plays guitar and sounds good.
Barbara: Everyone has their own feelings and attitudes behind which they stand or should stand, and often men and women are quite different in this aspect, mainly due to the differences in the sexes, so that can result in different songs and atmosphere, and of course there are differences that we could talk about but it is more a topic for another occasion with a lot of coffee or some hard drinks.

Fashionbabica: Media often tend to throw compliments on your look and they never miss to mention that you have both been doing some modeling before your music career. Does that bother you, does it flatter you  or you don't even acknowledge such comments?
Sara:I had hoped that it might bring me some modeling engagements, but it didn't hehe. Well, it all doesn't  matter. Music is important and what you have to say.
Barbara: It's been a long time since I have become immune to the mention of that topic because it was nothing serious, the only serious thing in my life is music, my life is music! These comments about modeling are essential to people who do not understand music entirely, so they need the extra content.
Fashionbabica:How important is appearance to you, in terms of dressing up, fashion style, being satisfied with yourself? ... Are you aware of your looks?
Sara:Well, I love to dress up when I can. Although, since I am on my bike non-stop it narrows the choice of clothes. And at concerts I mess around with loops and guitar, so I try to wear more comfortable clothes. Somehow I think  intuitively the band and I fit each other quite well. It's like we are not too dressed up but I think everyone will watch which T-shirt are they going to wear to the gig. For something more extravagant I don't have the money hehe. Barbari make for a much more complete visual composition.
Barbara: For me personally it is important to introduce myself in the light in which I feel most comfortable, and most myself! I don't like to put on something I don't feel that I carry with full approval of my consciousness. To us as a band, the stage is along with our music a very important  factor, and we consider it very important to incorporate the music and the  appearance into a coherent whole. I wouldn't say that we do it with a goal and conscious, but also I don't think that it is totally spontaneous. I think there is more of us in the band who when they come into a clothing store and see an item of clothing say: "Ooh, this would be great for the stage!" And looks are a passing thing anyway and they change over the years!
Fashionbabica: Future plans?
Sara: Play that Porin, play concerts in the summer, release EP in the autumn. Come up with a vital financial structure and still have time to make music.
Barbara: Play what we have to play, record an album, release an album, play, record, release, play, record, release and so on in circle. And yes, some financial structure would be fine. You really need to want something to be able to have it!
Fashionbabica:A pleasant thought for the end?
Sara:Hang out and love each other!
Barbara: Smile and share your smile with other people! A honest smile always elicits a smile on other faces!
